Possible B1/B2 visa questions during the interview (2024)

Preparing for the B1/B2 visa interview is crucial as it significantly influences the outcome of your visa application. To help you prepare, here is a list of the most common questions that the consular officer may ask during the interview. Familiarizing yourself with these questions and rehearsing your answers can improve your chances of a successful interview.

Possible B1/B2 visa questions during the interview (1)

After you complete the B1/B2 visa application with us, and you have the confirmation page, you'll be able to schedule an interview. We will help you with this, too!

Possible B1/B2 Visa interview questions

During a B1/B2 visa interview, the consular officer aims to determine whether you qualify for a tourist/business visa based on U.S. visa laws and regulations. Here are possible questions you might encounter during the interview, categorized by different themes:

Personal background and intentions

  • What is the purpose of your visit to the United States?
  • Do you have family or friends in the United States? If yes, where do they live?
  • Have you visited the United States before? If yes, when and what was the purpose of your visit?

Employment and finances

  • What is your current occupation?
  • How long have you been working with your current employer?
  • Can you show proof of your employment?
  • How much do you earn annualy?
  • Who is sponsoring your trip to the United States?*How much do you intend to spend on this trip, and do you have financial proof you can support yourself?

Travel plans

  • Which places do you plan to visit in the United States?
  • How long do you intend to stay in the United States?
  • Why have you chosen this period? Why not another?
  • Where will you be staying during your visit?
  • Do you have a return ticket booked?
  • Do you intend to purchase travel insurance for your trip?

Ties to home country

  • Do you have family members in your home country? If so, who are they?
  • Do you have children or anyone who is dependant on you back home?
  • What properties or assets do you have in your home country?
  • How will you ensure that you will return to your home country after your visit?

Previous travel

  • Have you traveled to other countries before? If so, which countries?
  • Have you ever been denied a visa to any country, including the United States?
  • Have you ever overstayed a visa in the United States or any other country?


  • Have you ever been arrested or convicted for a crime?
  • Are you planning to work or study during your stay in the United States?
  • Do you have health insurance for your trip to the United States?

Tips for the interview

  • Be honest and concise in your answers.
  • Provide supporting documents when necessary, such as employment proof, bank statements, or invitation letters.
  • Show confidence and be prepared to explain any detail of your trip and ties to your home country.
  • Remember, the key to a successful visa interview is to demonstrate that you have strong ties to your home country that will ensure your return after a temporary visit and that you have the financial means to cover your stay in the United States.

What is a B1/B2 Visa?

The American B1/B2 is a physical visa, stamped right into one of the pages of your passport. This visa type is intended for people who want to visit the US for tourism and business activities.

Some of the characteristics of the B1B2 visa are; Its valid for 10 years after issued, its a Multiple Entry visa and you can stay in the US for a maximum of 180 days Per Entry.

Find out about the B1B2 Visa in more detail here.

Necessary documents to obtain your US Visa

You can easily obtain your B1B2 Visa by applying with us; you must have the following items on hand:

  • Your passport, valid for at least six months beyond your stay in the USA.
  • Your digital photo (passport format).
  • Your travel itinerary, if you've already made travel arrangements.
  • Your dates of the last five visits or excursions to the United States (if applicable). You could be asked for your international travel history for the previous five years.
  • Your resume or curriculum vitae. You could also be required to provide information about your present and previous education.
  • Other info. Based on the purpose of travel, some applicants will be requested to supply extra information when completing the online application.

When you apply with us, we will provide a complete list of the documents you need to prepare to take to your appointment.

How to apply with iVisa?

Getting a B1/B2 US Visa with us is easy. Follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Fill out our online simplified application.

  • Step 2: Get unlimited support during the entire process from our team of iVisa Experts that will help you apply correctly and send further guidelines for the next steps.

  • Step 3: Send all the required documents to the embassy or consulate and attend the visa interview if needed. We will help you schedule the interview.

  • Step 4: Receive your new visa and get ready to travel!

When you finish your visa application, our team will contact you to schedule an interview at your local U.S. Embassy/Consulate, or appointment center.

How long does it take to get a US visa?

Processing a visa can take between 2-8 weeks, depending on each individual case, and on the US embassy who has its own time frames.

Where can I learn more about the US visa renewal?

Communicate with our customer service agents, or shoot us a WhatsApp to find out more about applying for your B1B2 Visa.

Possible B1/B2 visa questions during the interview (2024)
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