Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (2024)

The penultimate event of the 2024 SCCA Super Tour saw Spec MX-5 presented by Toyo Tires head to world-renowned Watkins Glen International for Rounds 17 & 18 over the weekend, where the illustrious track brought perfect weather and uninterrupted green flag racing for the lucky eighteen SMX’s who registered for the event. Incredibly close racing brought not only the thirteenth different winner, but also just the third multi-race winner of the 2024 season.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (1)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (2)

Known for its challenging layout, scenic surroundings, and storied history, Watkins Glen International proved to live up to its hype as the Spec MX-5 racers not only enjoyed the track, but were also excited to do sightseeing in picturesque upstate New York. Stunning weather provided the perfect setting at the idyllic track for phenomenal racing, where rookie Camden Gruber would finally get his first win, and Noah Harmon would drive his New South Window Solutions W2 Motorsports Spec MX-5 to victory lane for the second time in his sophom*ore campaign.

With the sun shining on the paddock for the duration of the weekend, Qualifying got underway on Friday afternoon, with the bulk of the field setting their best times on the second lap. Rookie sensations Rafe Abdulali and Camden Gruber were separated by just .026 of a second, with Noah Harmon only .035 adrift of Gruber’s P2 time. Cam Ebben was fourth quickest, with Jarrett Jones in fifth, and rookie Will Robinson in sixth. Don Squirek, Mike Tinis, newcomer Michael Tosi, and Jason Fichter would round out the top ten.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (3)

With 18 Spec MX-5’s thundering down the front straight Saturday morning, Round 17 saw the start of the race begin without incident. Flatout Motorsports rookie Rafe Abdulali would lead the pack through the first few corners, seeing the entire field still side-by-side through the esses. Noah Harmon would charge his way past both Gruber and then Abdulali to secure the lead by the end of the first lap, but disaster would strike in the shape of a broken transmission shortly after the young star took the lead, ending his hopes for a solid points’ finish.

With Harmon now out of the picture, Gruber and Abdulali would begin to work together for the duration of the race, allowing the pair to break away from the intense battle for third. Jarrett Jones, Cam Ebben, and Will Robinson would put the show of the day on, seeing the trio enjoying swapping positions throughout the race.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (4)

Rookies Mike Tinis and Michael Tosi were also having a great time racing for sixth, while Chase McIntyre, Don Squirek, and Will Lucas were battling it out for eighth. After starting last due to a qualifying penalty for being underweight, Aiden Coleman had picked up seven positions to slot into eleventh by the third lap.

As Abdulali and Gruber exited turn ten to take the white flag and begin the last lap, Abdulali’s SMX suffered technical problems which forced him to retire from the race after leading nearly every lap, allowing Gruber to take the lead and eventual win in commanding fashion. This would be the first win of the Rookie’s season, making him the thirteenth different SMX race winner on the 2024 SCCA Super Tour.

With Abdulali out, the battle for third turned into the battle for the final two podium positions as Gruber was out front by nearly five seconds, seeing Jarrett Jones pull ahead to take the checkered flag in second. Cam Ebben would get around Will Robinson in a thrilling last-lap pass on the front straight to secure the final step on the podium.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (5)

Sunday proved to be another exciting Spec MX-5 race as uninterrupted green flag racing allowed the racers to put on a show for the six thousand livestream viewers on the SCCA YouTube channel. The race start was nearly identical to Saturday’s race as drivers went side-by-side through the first few corners, with Abdulali leading the pack, however, Harmon would take the lead before the end of the first lap, with Gruber in tow who was also able to move past Abdulali. Robinson would get around Jones to move into fifth, joining Cam Ebben as he worked to stay in the front pack.

The top six cars would remain patient and were able to break away from the rest of the field as they continuously ran 2:12 lap times for the next several laps, while Tosi and Tinnis enjoyed another great battle between the pair for seventh.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (6)

At the midway point, the front group of six couldn’t remain patient anymore, seeing Gruber get around Harmon to take the lead, and Robinson now battling Abdulali for third. Ebben was working with Jones to try and stay with the leaders, while the battle for seventh raged between Tinnis and Tosi. Harmon was able to take the lead away from Gruber, with Abdulali also passing the rookie to move into second.

Abdulali would take the lead with seven laps to go, seeing the Flatout Motorsports rookie swapping positions with Harmon for the next few laps, exciting the online viewers and spectators at the track. The battle between the two allowed Gruber to also make it past Abdulali for second position with just three laps remaining. Robinson would then begin to battle with Abdulali for third, allowing Harmon & Gruber to slightly break away for what looked to be a two-horse race for the race win.

On the final lap, it was now a four-car battle for the victory, seeing Harmon, Gruber, Abdulali, and Robinson inches apart until the checkered waved. Robinson made a spectacular move on the outside of Abdulali through the Bus Stop, seeing him not relinquish the final step of the podium as he crossed the finishing line. Gruber would make a run on Harmon down the front straight to make it a photo finish, wowing the announcers, however, it would not be enough as Harmon claimed his second victory of the 2024 SCCA Super Tour, seeing him finish just .08 seconds ahead of the Planet Miata rookie.

After an intense race, polesitter Abdulali would finish in fourth, with Ebben in fifth, and Jones in sixth. Tinis would cross the line in front of Tosi for seventh, with McIntyre in ninth, and Rookie Will Lucas enjoying his best finish of his season in tenth.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (7)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (8)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (9)

The penultimate event of the 2024 SCCA Super Tour showcased Spec MX-5’s thirteenth different race winner, along with only the third driver to achieve multiple wins, cementing the SCCA’s newest National Championship-eligible road racing class to be the standout story of 2024. In just three weeks, we head to America’s National Park of Speed, where Road America will host over forty (40!) SMX’s at the June Sprints for the final event of the Super Tour’s regular season.

Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (10)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (11)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (12)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (13)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (14)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (15)
Spec MX-5 Continues to be the 2024 Standout Story at Watkins Glen (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.