I'll Look After You - Comicgeek20 (2024)

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  • Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • F/F
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005)
  • Azula/Katara (Avatar)
  • Sokka/Suki/Zuko (Avatar)
  • Katara (Avatar)
  • Azula (Avatar)
  • Sokka (Avatar)
  • Suki (Avatar)
  • Zuko (Avatar)
  • Toph Beifong
  • Aang (Avatar)
  • Mai (Avatar)
  • Ty Lee (Avatar)
  • Hakoda (Avatar)
  • Ursa (Avatar)
Additional Tags:
  • Humor
  • Fluff
  • Angst
  • Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
  • Age Regression/De-Aging
  • Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
  • Alternate Universe - College/University
  • Bisexual Katara (Avatar)
  • Lesbian Azula (Avatar)
  • Azula Needs a Hug (Avatar)
  • Badass Katara (Avatar)
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • baby azula
  • Child Azula (Avatar)
  • Swearing

I'll Look After You



Ozai Was Dead.

That's how this whole mess started. That's why Azula and Katara got into a big fight. That's why Azula made a wish to the spirits. That's why Katara woke up the next day with her girlfriend as an infant.


Azula wants to be able to trust Katara more and be open and honest with her. She did not think that meant being turned back into a child.


  • For Edy_Ly.

A HUGE shout out to Edy-Lyy for helping me make this story. Go check them out on Tumblr, they have amazing art and ideas.

Chapter 1: Ozai Is Dead


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ozai had died.

It was a heart attack. The doctors said there was nothing they could do by the time Ozai arrived. They guessed it was due in part to the amount of drinking and smoking Ozai did. They called his time of death at 3 am on Friday morning, the last Friday before colleges let kids out for winter break.

Azula woke up early that morning, as she normally did, and turned towards her girlfriend. Katara was still snuggling against the pillow, her arm on Azula’s chest and her thick brown hair covering her face. Azula gave her a soft smile, brushed her hair to the side and kissed her before getting up to use the bathroom and brush her teeth. Once she was out, she grabbed her phone, intent on checking the news and different apps to see if anything had occurred last night. That was when she noticed the missed call from the hospital.

“Miss. Agni. We have you listened here as Ozai Agni’s daughter. You’re the only family member of his listed here so we thought you should know that, at 3 am this morning, he passed away from a heart attack.” Azula stopped listening after that. She refused to cry, refused to even make a peep. Instead, she forced herself to stand up and walked out of the bedroom.

Two hours later, Katara sat up and yawned, “Ahhh.” Stretching out her arms and legs, she got out of bed, following Azula’s routine of brushing her teeth, using the bathroom and changing clothes.
However, when she walked out into her and Azula’s shared apartment space, she found her girlfriend sitting on the couch, her head in her hands.

“Azula?” Katara asked.

Azula must not have heard Katara because she quickly stood up and shook her head out of her dazed state, “Katara. Good morning.”

“Are you okay?” Katara asked, “Were you crying?”

“Just a sad video.” Azula lied, “Want to go to breakfast?”

“You’re trying to change the subject.” After dating for a year, Katara had come to learn that Azula wasn’t one to openly admit her problems. She had to discover Azula’s problems on her own then coax Azula into actually talking to her, “What’s going on?”

“Katara, it’s really nothing.” Azula said. She got up from the couch and made her way into the kitchen.

“Come on, I’m your girlfriend. I’m here so that you can talk to me.” Katara argued, “Please, Azula. Just talk to me.”

“Katara. I promise, it’s nothing. It was just a sad video. Now, come on. We can’t be late on the last day of classes.” Azula grabbed her bag, turning towards her girlfriend, “And then we have the whole weekend to ourselves in this lovely apartment. I’m thinking that seafood place you love for dinner tonight to get us started.” Azula was practically purring in Katara’s ear. It did make it more difficult to stay on track, but Katara was determined to keep going.

“Azula, you were crying a few minutes ago. Please just tell me why.” Katara tried again.

“Kat, I promise you, I wasn’t crying. Everything is perfect.” Giving Katara a small kiss then heading to the door.

Katara, with no other option, gathered her things, following Azula out the door, but she couldn’t escape the thoughts that lingered in her mind. Did Azula really not trust her that much that she felt like she couldn’t tell her about what was upsetting her? Was she really that bad a girlfriend?

“Katara! Look!” Azula instantly pushed her phone at Katara’s face, “It’s supposed to snow this winter.” Azula had grown up in a city that never got any snow. When she moved to Republic City for college, she experienced her first snow storm. Katara had probably told people this a hundred times, but when she saw Azula’s eyes lit up at seeing snow for the first time and heard her laugh when she and Sokka started a snowball fight, she knew she wanted to date Azula.

“We usually get snow in the winter.” Katara chuckled, “Remember last year?”

“True. I still think Sokka cheated at that snowball game.” Azula mumbled.

“It’s a snowball fight. I don’t think you can cheat.”

“Not true. You could fill the snowballs with stuff and throw them at people. That would be cheating. Or! You could use a flamethrower! That’s probably cheating.”

“Where would you get a flamethrower during a snowball fight?”

“You don’t know! Maybe someone is really insistent on willing the game.”

Katara lifted an eyebrow, “Azula, promise me you’re not going to bring a flamethrower to a snowball fight.”

“…Would you be mad if I did?”

“If you burned my brother during a snowball fight? Yes. I’d be pretty mad.”

“Well, now I won’t.” Azula grumbled. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave a little huff.

Katara laughed, “Only you, Azula. Only you.” Katara sighed.

“Only me which is why you’re dating me.” Azula smiled, “Because I’m so unique.”

“Yes, you are.” Katara smiled. The two walked into their school’s cafeteria and sat down for some breakfast. They didn’t have any classes together this semester so they wouldn’t be able to see each other until they went back to the apartment complex that evening.

“If you really need anything today-“ Katara tried only for Azula to shake her head.

“I’ll be fine, Tara. You just focus on your classes and I’ll see you tonight for the start of our weekend together.” Azula grinned before walking off towards her first class of the day.


Katara didn’t have many classes with Zuko in her years in college. This would be their last one, seeing as how Zuko was a senior and set to graduate in the spring. Usually in class the two sat together but didn’t really talk unless prompted to. Today, Katara instantly turned to Zuko’s seat but he was gone.

“That’s weird.” Zuko never missed a class. It was something drilled into him by Ozai that missing a day of class made him a failure. It took Sokka and Suki months to get him to finally take a sick day and even longer for a mental health day.

Katara pulled out her phone and texted Zuko, asking him why he wasn’t in class. She didn’t receive any answer, even after the class ended, which only served to make her more suspicious.

“Hey, Katara!” Aang called, running up to her, “Last day before winter break! You excited!?”

“I am. Azula and I have a whole weekend planned. Sitting on the balcony, cooking, watching movies…other stuff.”

“Thank you for just saying other stuff.” Aang joked, but Katara didn’t laugh. In fact, she looked a little sad, “Are you okay?”

“Azula’s hiding something from me. I can feel it.”

“Could it be a happy thing? Maybe she has a secret for this weekend planned?”

Katara released a small sigh from her lips, watching her breath disappear before her like smoke, “It’s not that. I came out of our bedroom this morning and she was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me everything was fine.”

“Maybe everything is okay. It’s possible you’re reading too much into this.”

“Yeah? Well, when I went to class, Zuko was missing and he’s not answering texts.” Katara told him.

Aang winced, “Okay. That’s weird. He was perfectly fine last night when we hung out. He was saying that he was excited for one of his classes today because the professor would hand out some kind of pastry.”

“Professor Bumi. He always brings rock candy for the last class of the semester.” Katara explained, “But see? That’s what I’m saying. This is really weird and Azula isn’t saying anything to me.”

“Have you asked Sokka and Suki?” Aang suggested.

“No, but that is not a bad idea.” Katara pulled out her phone and sent a text off to her brother, “Sokka will know what’s going on.”

“Good luck, Katara. Text me if you need anything.” Aang said, walking off to another building for his class.

“Thanks, Aang!” Katara called.

When Katara sat down for her second class of the morning, she heard a small ping sound from her phone. The professor was walking to their desk, so Katara snuck a peak at what her brother had sent.

Sokka: Their father passed away last night.



"Why haven't you told Katara again?" Zuko asked.

"I just...it's hard, Zuko. If I tell her about Ozai being dead then I have to tell her about how I feel about the funeral and then I have to tell her why I feel that way which will lead into a conversation about what he did to us."

"An open and honest conversation with your girlfriend. That sounds just horrible." Azula threw one of her pencils at him, "Azula, seriously, you should tell her."

"I just don't want to screw this up. If Katara finds out how much work I am then she'll leave." Just like everyone else had.

"Katara won't leave, but she might if you don't tell her." Zuko warned, a hand falling on Azula's shoulders, "Trust me. It took a lot to finally tell Sokka and Suki about Ozai, but once I did, it felt amazing to know I had my partners on my side." Azula wanted to roll her eyes. It was easier for him. He didn't have a history of everyone abandoning him at some point. Everyone had left her at some point or another, even father left the month of her high school graduation to close some business deal in another country. Katara was the one person, so far, who hadn't left her all alone because she was too much.

"I don't want to lose Katara."

"Then tell her about Ozai."


"Tell her." Zuko's voice was firm, "I have to get to class and you have to find and talk to your girlfriend. Got it?"

"Yes, mom." Azula groaned.

"Bye, Zula."

"Bye, Zuzu." Azula pulled out her phone, noticing a text from Katara that was a gif of a baby otter rolling on it's back.

Azula: Cute, but you know I'm a cat person.

Katara: It's an otter.

Azula: Otters are the dogs of the sea.

Katara: As someone who's taken multiple marine biology courses...you're not wrong.

Azula: I'm heading towards the Yangchen building. Want to walk over together?

Katara: Sure! You're at library?

Azula: Yes.

Katara: Great. I'll be there in two minutes.


“Azula!” Katara called. Azula stopped in her tracks and turned to face her girlfriend with a smile, “So, how is the last day of classes going?”

“Great. We have nothing to do in any of my classes so far, but I refuse to let my perfect attendance fall.”

“Of course you do.” Similar to Zuko, Azula refused to miss a class. One time, she had been sick all night, even throwing up multiple times, but was right in her seat that morning. Katara had to come in and drag her out after she ran to the bathroom to throw up again but her attendance still counted, “So…are you sure nothing is bothering you?”

“Katara, I’m sure. If something was really wrong, I would tell you.” She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. No. Zuko was wrong. He didn't know what it was like to be left all alone and abandoned. People left her when they realized she was too much to deal with and that's exactly what Katara would do when she found out about Ozai.

“Really? Even, I don’t know, news relating to a family member like your uncle or brother or parents.” Katara suggested.

“I would tell you.”

“Because, I know that if something happened to my dad or Sokka, even if I don’t really talk to my dad much anymore, I would tell you about it because I trust you and want to be open and honest and-“

“Katara!” Azula snapped, “I’m fine.” Noticing Katara’s expression, Azula let out a sigh, “I’m really fine. I promise that if something really was bothering me then I would tell you.”

“Would you?” Katara mumbled.

“What?” Azula asked, not hearing her well enough to actually understand what she said.

“Nothing. I trust you, Azula. I’ll drop it.” Katara promised.

“Thank you. I got to get to class. I’ll see you tonight!”

“See you tonight.” Katara halfheartedly called to her girlfriend. She felt her heart clench at the knowledge that Azula didn’t even trust her to know about Ozai’s death. Well, if Azula refused to talk about it then she was going to talk with someone who would.


“Her dad is dead!” Katara yelled, “And she doesn’t even seem to care. She never tells me anything! I don’t know if it’s because she and her father had a bad relationship-“

Sokka, who agreed to meet up with her right after their last class of the day, took the opportunity to speak up, “I mean you saw what he did to Zuko.” Okay. That was a fair point. Zuko’s burn scar had been a topic of speculation among the student body for a while. It wasn’t until Sokka and Suki started dating him that Zuko admitted to what had happened when he was only thirteen.
His dad came home drunk one night, screaming at Zuko that it was his fault Ursa left, and ended up shoving him onto a hot stove. The only reason Ozai wasn’t in jail was because he had friends in the court system and police. It was ruled an accident but Zuko ended up running away a few months later and went to live with his uncle.

Azula didn’t talk at all about her time with her father after Zuko left.

“True, but Azula has never said anything about her relationship with her father. I don’t know if it was good or bad or anything!” Katara brought a hand to her hair.

“Have you asked Azula to tell you more about this?” Sokka asked.

“Yes! I’ve tried to get her to talk to me. I’ve tried to convince her to share more about her childhood, but she always changes the subject. No matter what I do, I can’t get her to talk about her time before college.” Katara plopped down onto a chair, “Should-Should this be this hard?”

Sokka shook his head, “It’s not that hard with Suki and Zuko.”

“I-I like Azula, a lot, I think I love her, but I can’t be in a relationship where I don’t know anything about my girlfriend.” Katara said, looking down at her nails, “I don’t want to break up but at the same time-“

“You should talk to Azula about this. If you do love her, then tell her this is really bothering you. It might give her the push to try trusting you more and opening up.” Sokka suggested.

“I think you’re right.” She really did like Azula and she was willing to try to make this relationship work. The question was if Azula was willing to try, “You think I should do it before or after the holidays?”

“Up to you.” Sokka shrugged.

“After.” Katara decided, letting a small breath escape her mouth. She didn’t want to start the holidays off by getting into a big fight. Plus, this gave her the chance to actually think over what she wanted to say.

“Good idea.” The siblings conversation eventually turned to something else. What Katara didn’t know was that Sokka had just happened to text Suki and Zuko that he was helping Katara with a relationship problem. It didn’t hit him until five minutes later that that probably wasn’t the best thing to text Azula’s brother.

As it turns out, Zuko wasn’t the thing he had worry about. No, that honor went to Ty Lee, who just happened to be next to Suki when she got the text and saw it. She ended up texting Azula after cheerleading practice about her problem with Katara.

Azula: Problem with Katara? We aren’t having problems.

Ty Lee: Sokka just texted Suki saying he was helping her with your relationship issues.

Azula: What?! What exactly did he say?!

Ty Lee: Did you really not know?

Azula: NO!

Ty Lee: Oh…this might have been something that was meant to stay private.

Azula: It’s okay. I need to have a talk with my girlfriend it seems.

Ty Lee: Don’t be mad at Katara. She was probably just venting to Sokka.

Azula: I’m not mad. She can talk to whoever she wants. I’m just not looking forward to leaning about what these problems are.

Ty Lee: Maybe it’s something small. Like you’re leaving hair in the shower.

Azula: I really hope it’s that.


When Katara returned to their apartment, she found Azula on the couch with the tv on. Even though she should be relaxing, knowing the semester was over, Katara could tell Azula was nervous about something. She had a tell. If Azula was pulling at her bangs then she was nervous and, right now, she was grabbing hold of them like a lifeline.

“Azula?” Katara asked.

“Katara. I was so absorbed in the show I didn’t hear you.” Azula lied.

“You were watching…It’s A Wonderful Life?” Katara asked, “You hate that movie.”

“I’ve grown to enjoy it.” She lied.

“Okay, so we both know that’s a lie. The last time Ty Lee tried to get you to watch it you said you’d rather stand outside naked for two hours.”

“I thought I’d give it a shot.” Azula shrugged, “Anyways, I’ve got some fun stuff planned.”

“Like what?” Katara asked. She had no plans to talk to Azula about anything serious until after the holidays which meant she had nothing to do now except enjoy a weekend with the woman she loved.

“You’ll see.” Azula grinned.

Azula’s plan, as it turned out, had changed from that morning. Instead of going out for seafood, Azula took Katara to a five star place about an hour away from their apartment. Once they had finished their meal, they returned to their apartment where Azula put on a Netflix rom com for them.

“You’re not allowed to insult it this time.” Katara said.

Azula groaned, setting her head against Katara’s arm, “But they’re so bad.”

“They’re good! Not everything has to be logical in movies.”

“It’s just so stupid! The girl always has a high paying job in the city but then she moves to a tiny town to become a wife or something. That sounds more like a horror movie than a romantic comedy.”

“She’s not happy in the city! Isn’t that part of the reason why you left your home?” Katara grinned.

“How dare you compare my life to a rom com!” Azula put a hand over her chest, faking a gasp.

Halfway through the movie, Azula looked up at Katara, who was heavily invested in it, and began kissing her neck, “Azula.” Katara giggled, “Now?”

“Why not?”

“Can’t you wait until after the movie?” Katara asked as Azula’s hands made their way to her waist.

“Fine, but you should know I’m paying more attention to my gorgeous girlfriend than this trashy movie.” Azula said.

“I don’t know whether to focus more on that fact that you called me gorgeous or that you called one of my favorite movies trashy.” Katara chuckled.

“My vote is for the fact that I called you gorgeous.”

The two settled back down again, watching the movie, with minimal comments from Azula, until the credits began to roll and Azula leapt for the remote to turn it off. Once the movie was complete it was about 10 pm meaning it was the perfect time to head back to their room.

“Now?” Azula asked, sitting on the bed.

Katara, who also climbed onto the bed, beamed at her girlfriend, “Now.” She confirmed.

A while later, Katara threw her head back onto her pillow, “That was amazing!” She cried.

“Glad that trick wasn’t a total waste of time to learn.” Azula rested her head on Katara’s chest, listening to her heartbeat start to slow down, “I’m so happy.”

“Me too. This night was absolutely perfect.” Katara let out a small sigh. She began to play with Azula’s hair as her eyes grew heavier and heavier. Unknown to her though, was Azula’s mental cheering.

‘Perfect enough that we don’t have to get into a fight.’ She mentally added. The night was a success.


Tumblr is Waterfire1848

Chapter 2: A Fight and a Wish


Azula and Katara come to fight and, in her desperation, Azula makes a wish on a star

Chapter Text

The next morning and afternoon were amazing. The two girls went out for breakfast, headed into town for a winter party, came home for a movie and now Azula was resting in bed. Her phone began to buzz with text’s from Ty Lee which took her attention away from the book she’d been reading.

Ty Lee: How’d everything go?

Azula: Great! I think it’s safe to say that I’m currently the world’s most perfect girlfriend.

Ty Lee: And you’re sure this is better than just being honest with her?

Azula: Look, Katara is upset because we’re having relationship problems, right?

Ty Lee: Right.

Azula: Well, if I show her what a great girlfriend I am then all those problems go away.

Ty Lee: I don’t think that’s right.

Azula: At least I can remind her of the good times we shared together. Maybe that’ll make her think more about the apparent problems we have.

Ty Lee: I still think that taking the time to have an honest conversation with her is best.

Azula: Let me try it my way.

Ty Lee: Okay. Good luck to you I guess.

Azula knew Ty Lee was right. However, honest conversations led to people being honest which led to people talking about how much they hated her which led to people never wanting to see her again and her being all alone. Azula shook her head. No. She couldn’t go down that rabbit hole right now.
Azula put her phone away, returning to her book and thinking up what she and Katara could do for dinner. As the sun began to set, Azula decided now was as good a time as any to see what Katara wanted to do for dinner. Walking out into the living room, she couldn’t find her though.

Suddenly, a noise perked up from the bathroom, “I don’t know, Sokka.”

The apartment was a single floor layout with a kitchen, sitting area and the two bedrooms all within a couple feet of one another. Katara was currently hiding in the bathroom and talking to her brother. It probably wasn’t the best girlfriend move in the world to eavesdrop but Azula’s curiosity got the better of her.

“I just…Things were amazing last night but we need to talk.”

“You know Azula isn’t gonna take it very well, but you should do what you have to.” Sokka’s voice was softer than Katara’s but Azula could still make it out.

“I know. Azula won’t take it well, but we have to have this conversation. It’ll be painful, but we’re just caught in a rut and I think it’s only right to do it before the holidays.”

“I thought you said you wanted to do it afterwards so that you’d have more time to think about what you wanted to say.”

“I know what I said before but I’ve reconsidered. When we both go home, I’ll just keep thinking about how we don’t talk and it’ll boil over to the point that I snap at Azula and she has no idea why. No, the best choice is to do it now. I’ll talk to her tonight after dinner.”

Azula couldn’t help herself anymore. She opened the door to find Katara leaning against the wall. Her girlfriend looked at her in shock.


“Do you want to break up with me?” Azula asked with a trembling voice, filled with sadness. If she wanted to break up, Azula would rather they just get it over with.

Katara looked at her with wide sad eyes. Shock was also evident all over her face when Azula spoke.

“Katara? Everything alright?” Sokka’s voice asked from the phone.

“I’ll call you back tomorrow, Sokka.”

Katara hung up and looked over her girlfriend with a dejected expression. It took Katara a good few seconds to register what Azula had said and another few seconds to come up with a response.

“What? No! I don’t want to break up with you, Azula. Why would you think that?”

“I heard that you…that you think we have relationship problems.” Azula revealed, “I just wanted to know if I should prepare for a breakup in the next few weeks.”

“Azula, I don’t want to break up. I just want you to be more open with me.” Katara admitted. So much for taking the time to carefully plan out her conversation with Azula.

“I have been open with you.”

“No, you haven’t! I know your favorite food and color and the games you and Zuko used to play but I don’t know anything about what your life was like before you came to college. I don’t know what your relationship with your dad was like or your mom or why you, Mai and Ty Lee went a year without talking! You never tell me anything real!” Katara argued, forcing herself past Azula so they could take their fight to the living room, “Oh! And, let’s not forget the fact that your dad is dead and you didn’t tell me!”

Azula took a step back, “You know about that?”

“Yeah! I know! I know because Sokka had to tell me! Sokka! My brother had to tell me about something that happened in my own girlfriend’s family!! Why didn’t you say anything, Azula?! I wouldn’t have overwhelmed you or gotten involved if you didn’t want me to! But we’ve been together for over a year now! Do I seriously not matter that much that you feel fine with no telling me this?!”

“Of course you matter! Katara, you’re one of the most important people in the world to me! But…it’s hard for me!” Azula yelled, “Did you ever think about that?! It’s hard for me to be that open with another person! I’m trying though!”

“I know that! Which is why I didn’t want to fight like we are now! But…But we’ve been together almost two years and nothing has changed! I gave you the number of my therapist and you haven’t made a single call, I try to get to know more about you and you change the subject, I-I don’t want to push but I don’t know what else to do.” She really looked lost in that moment. She looked tired and worn down and desperate for some kind of change.

Azula couldn’t help her eye roll when Katara brought up the therapist again, “I’m not talking to some stranger about my life-“

“Then what else are we supposed to do, Azula?!?” Azula flinched back at Katara’s scream, “I’m out of options here! I want to be with you! I really like you! But…if we can’t start communicating for real and being an actual couple then I-I don’t see a future here.” Her words made everything stop. All the anger in Azula faded away when she said those words.

“Do you want to break up?” Azula asked again.

“No! I just-something has to change, Azula. We can’t go on like this. I can’t go on like this. I’m tired.” The two stood in silence for a few minutes. When Katara realized they had nothing more to say to one another, she walked off into a spare room they had. Technically, the apartment had two bedrooms for them but they’d always shared a room.

Azula, desperate not to lash out or start sobbing, walked out into the cold air, no jacket or anything on. Feeling the freezing air against her bare skin helped calm her down and bring her back to normal.

“She just wants you to be open. She’s not asking for anything insane.” Azula tried to reason with herself. Katara only wanted Azula to open up and trust her, “Would be easy for a normal person.” Someone who wasn’t broken beyond repair like she was. Someone who grew up in a happy family with real parents and real friends would be able to give Katara everything she needed, but Azula, being the broken mess she was, couldn’t do that. Even before she met Katara, she couldn’t get better.

Mai and Ty Lee had tried to help her when she came to college for the first time. Being away from Ozai was certainly helpful, but she still couldn’t find it within herself to fully open up to them and be honest.

“If I can’t be honest and open with Mai and Ty Lee then what chance do I have to do it with Katara.” She whispered. Mai and Ty Lee had known her since she was five and she couldn’t even muster up the courage to tell them how she was feeling about Ozai’s death.

Azula eventually found her way back to the apartment late that night, really late. Katara had gone back into their room, asleep under the covers, and Azula’s spot lay open and ready to accept her. Slowly, she climbed into bed and cuddled up next to Katara. The only problem was that she couldn’t sleep.

An hour later, she continued to toss and turn in her bed. There was absolutely nothing she could do though. Her head refused to let her rest. Under the peace and quiet, her thoughts were nothing but reminders that Katara might break up with her.

“Why wouldn’t she? You’re pathetic. A broken mess that no one would want.”

“Once Katara breaks up with you then everyone will realize who you are. They’ll all leave you soon enough.”

“You should be shocked Katara stayed with you this long. It seems she’s finally gotten some sense.”

Finally, around 1 am, Azula admitted to herself that she wasn’t sleeping. She made her way out of the bed, grabbing some cigarettes that were hidden in her bedside table, and went out to a small balcony they had. The cold air and sound of cars helped calm her down.

“Glad Katara never found you.” Azula whispered, lightning one of her cigarettes. She had developed the habit when she was 14 of smoking whenever she was anxious. Her father, the amazing man he was, encouraged her to do it and would withhold her cigarettes when he was angry. It was only when she finally left high school that she forced herself to stop. Katara tried to actively help her by getting rid of her cigarettes and encouraging her not to smoke again, which had worked, Azula hardly ever smoked now. However, Azula really needed it right now, especially when her brain refused to be quiet.

Sending a puff of smoke into the air, Azula noticed the stars shining extra brightly in the night sky. She couldn’t help but remember when her mother would sit down on her bed, telling her about how stars were magic.

“If you make a wish on a star, it could come true.”
“Really?” A five year old Azula had asked.

“Of course. When stars are shining their brightest it means the spirits are listening. They can hear you and grant your wishes.”

“Dad says spirits aren’t real.” Azula crossed her arms, becoming upset that her parents were telling her two different things.

“They are. I’ve seen their work for myself.”

“You have?!”

Ursa laughed at her daughter’s wide eyes, brushing her hair back, “I have. When I was a girl, I wished to a spirit to have the best children in the world, which is how I ended up with you and your brother.” Ursa wrapped her arms around Azula, making the girl giggle.

“Mom! That’s not real magic!”

“You want a real story? Okay. How about this one? My friend begged the spirits for help with a person he loved. Him and his wife desperately wanted a child, but they couldn’t have one no matter what they did. The next day, after he wished for the spirit’s help, his wife came to tell him she was pregnant.” Azula still rolled her eyes.

“That’s just a coincidence.”

Ursa kissed her daughter’s forehead, “Don’t doubt the spirits, Azula. They’re more powerful than you think.”

Azula never heard any more about the spirits granting wishes until she got to college and started dating Katara. During one of their dates, Katara pointed up to the sky and began telling her about the different spirits in the sky.

“You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” Katara asked.

“Not crazy just…believing in a child’s story.” Katara lightly wacked Azula, leaning back down into her arms, “You know the spirit’s aren’t real, right?”

“My mom used to tell me that spirits heard our wishes and could grant them for us.” Katara told her, “After my mom died, I started wishing to the spirits to bring her back and or to give me at least a minute to see her again. Obviously it never worked, but I’ve never lost the belief that the spirits can hear us.”

“…Well, now I feel like a bitch.” Katara gently kissed Azula’s cheek.

“You’re not a bitch. Sokka doesn’t believe in them either but I like thinking there are some gentle and nice spirit’s above us who are listening.”

Azula played with the cigarette in her hand then looked back up at the stars in the sky. She took one final puff, put out the cigarette then turned her head up to the stars.

The stars were beautifully shining above them and the air was still cold and nippy, but Azula embraced it, “I really don’t like asking people for help, but I-I love Katara.” How desperate did she have to be to start talking to stars? Her inner voice whispered about how stupid she was and that this was just more proof that she was broken.

Azula decided to ignore it and continue, “I want to be honest with her, to depend on her and trust her but I can’t. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Please. If there’s anyone out there that can hear me, can you…fix me or something. Make me normal? Make me hit my head and forget everything? I don’t want to-I can’t lose Katara. Please.”

As expected, only the sound of the cars below and wind blowing in her face answered her pleas.

“What was I expecting?” Azula mumbled.

She turned back to go inside, changed into her pajamas and slid into bed with Katara. After the day she had, she was asleep seconds after her head hit the pillow.

Azula didn’t notice the star in the night sky start to glow extra bright or the wind hit their windows extra hard. Almost as if something was answering a plea. She just climbed back into bed and fell asleep. Had Azula noticed the star and wind she might also have noticed that her pajamas were getting looser and looser.

Chapter 3: Day 1


Katara wakes up to a bit of a surprise

Chapter Text

Azula waking up before Katara was nothing new. Since the first day she met her, Azula had always been an early riser. It was just who she was. That’s why, when Katara woke up, she wasn’t surprised to see that Azula’s side of the bed was empty.

“First day of winter break!” A little bit of joy was definitely needed after her and Azula’s fight last night, “Azula’s probably on her morning jog already and-“ Katara’s eyes suddenly noticed a bump under the covers.

“I swear if she left her dirty clothes on the bed again.” Katara mumbled. When she and Azula first started dating, it took Azula a few weeks to remember that she didn’t have maids anymore. She had to do her own laundry. A fact which had pissed her off in the beginning but when Katara rewarded her with kisses, Azula quickly changed her tune.

Katara threw the blanket back to reveal an infant curled up and fast asleep on the bed. Aside from Azula’s incredibly oversized pajamas that laid around her, the baby was completely naked. For a moment, Katara’s mind went blank then everything came rushing at her like a flood. There was a baby in her bed. Only a few months old if Katara guessed.

“What the-“

The baby’s eyes blinked open, giving Katara a full view of her pure golden eyes. Golden eyes that she had seen everyday since freshman year. No. No, it was impossible. Azula was just playing a trick on her, but…Azula would never play a prank like this. Not to mention, she couldn’t. There’s no way Azula knew where to get a baby.

“And her phone is still here.” Katara’s voice quivered. Azula NEVER left her phone behind on jogs.

“A-Azula?” Katara whispered.

The baby, now fully awake, giggled at Katara saying her name and reached her hands out, clearly wanting Katara to hold her. With shaking hands, Katara scooped up the baby and held her close. She wrapped Azula’s pajamas around her to give her a little covering. The infant cooed in her arms.

“Please let this be a dream.” Azula grabbing her braid and biting on it would suggest otherwise.


Zuko was fast asleep when his phone started going off with texts and calls from Katara. He didn’t even realize she was calling until she called Ursa and told her to tell Zuko to pick up.

“Katara?” Zuko asked, “It’s 8 am on a Saturday. What are you-“

“Come to the apartment now!”

“Wait, what?” Zuko asked, “Come to your apartment?”

“Yes!” Katara sounded scared and desperate which unnerved Zuko. He had never heard her sound like this before.

“Is everything okay? Do I need to call Sokka? Are you in trouble?” Zuko got up and began changing clothes.

“I-I don’t know. You just need to get here now. Don’t get Sokka. Just get over here.” Something in the background tumbled to the ground and Zuko could hear crying, “Azula, sweetie, please don’t cry. I just dropped a plate.”

“Azula? Is she the one crying?” Zuko asked.

“Kind of.”

“Kind of? Katara, you’re scaring me. Is Azula okay?”

“Yes, she’s physically fine.”


“Just get over here. I can’t explain it. I promise, once you get here, you’ll understand everything.”

“Okay.” Zuko hung up then drove over to their apartment.

“Your brother is on his way.” Katara bounced the six month old in her arms, “We’ll figure this out, Azula. I promise.” Azula started grabbing at Katara, forcing the twenty one year old to put her down.

“Sweetie, I love you, but you can’t grab my face.” Katara told her.

“Uhhh.” Azula whined.

“You’re completely a baby, aren’t you?” Katara whispered, even more fear and anxiety setting in. Azula grabbing her hand and sucking on her fingers only accelerated that, “Zuko, get here soon. Please.”


It wasn’t that far, only thirty minutes, to Azula and Katara’s apartment. However, Zuko was freaking out the whole time. He continued to try and assure himself that Katara would have told him if it was really something bad.

When he arrived, he slipped into the apartment thanks to someone leaving at the perfect moment and ran up the stairs to Katara and Azula’s room.

“Katara. Katara, I’m here.” Zuko continued to knock, waiting for Katara to hear him and open the door.

When Katara did open the door, Zuko’s eyes went as wide as they possibly could. She was holding a baby in her arms, who seemed content eating her hair, and looked frightened.

“Why-Why do you have a baby?” Zuko asked.

Katara pulled her in and slammed the door shut, “I-I think this baby is Azula.”

Zuko suddenly burst out laughing, “Okay. You got me. Next time you try to do a prank though, please do it later in the day. No more 8 am pranks.”

“It’s not a prank!” Katara cried, “I woke up and this baby was in Azula’s pajamas. I think it’s her.”

“You’re good. I’ll give you that. Your acting skills are amazing. So, whose kid is this? Are you babysitting for a friend of your parents or something?”

“I’m not lying!!! Azula isn’t anywhere to be found! She left her phone here and I called the coffee store she always stops at and she wasn’t there. She’s always home by now and she hasn’t returned because she never left!” Azula began to cry in Katara’s arms, not liking that the older girl was yelling.

Now Zuko looked freaked out, but more so because of Katara, “Katara, you’re tired. You’re not thinking clearly. This baby isn’t Azula. Did you hit your head?” Zuko slowly took Azula from Katara, lightly bouncing her in his arms to calm her down.

“Just look at her. Tell me she doesn’t look like Azula.” Zuko looked down at the baby who, he had to admit, did look like Azula. She had the same eyes and looked almost identical to the baby pictures his mom had.

“Look, this isn’t possible. People don’t just turn into babies.” Zuko argued.

“Then explain where Azula is. If you can find Azula then I’ll admit I’m crazy.” Katara folded her arms over her chest, ready to hear Zuko’s argument.

“Okay. Look, I’ll call Azula and she’ll tell you where she is. She probably just got a little lost.” Zuko took out his phone and called her. He suddenly heard the phone ringing in Katara and Azula’s bedroom. Poking his head inside showed him Azula’s phone, still on the bedside, “That’s…weird, but I’m sure she just forgot it or something.”

“Azula forgot her phone? Azula Agni? The same Azula Agni who has had the same routine her entire life?” Katara asked.

“True. Wait, let me try something.” Zuko called up his mom, asking for a picture of Azula when she was a baby. While Ursa was certainly confused, she sent over baby pictures of Azula from the day she was born to her first birthday, “It…it’s impossible.”

Katara peered over his shoulder, observing the pictures Ursa had sent, “They look exactly the same. She even has the same little scar on her cheek.” Katara noted.

Zuko turned his attention away from the phone and his sister, “Azula?” He whispered. The baby smiled at the use of her name.

“I told you so.” Katara said, “I don’t know how this happened or what to do. What if she has to grow up again? What are we supposed to do when school starts up?”

“Hey, it’s okay. Give her to me and I’ll take her back home. Our mom can figure out-“

“No.” Katara’s voice was firm as was her grip when she took Azula out of Zuko’s arms and held her close to her body, “You’re not taking her.”

“Katara, it’s best for our mom to-“

“Azula’s relationship with your mom is iffy at best, I know that much, and I-I don’t want to just give her away. Let me take care of her. At least until the holidays are over. If she’s still a baby by that point then I’ll talk to Ursa about what we should do.”

“Katara, you can’t-“

“I can. Azula is…or was, my girlfriend. I can’t just abandon her when she needs me most.” Zuko knew there was no way he was convincing Katara to hand Azula over and he had no intention of telling their mom about any of this, so he just nodded.

“Then you’ll need supplies.” Zuko noted.

“I know. Could you get some while I stay here with her?” Katara asked.

“Sure. I’ll be back in about an hour or so. I assume I’m getting everything?”

“Just get enough for a week. If we need more, we can get more.” Katara turned towards Azula, who was growing bored at just being held, “You want anything special?” Katara asked, lightly throwing her in the air.

Azula laughed, “Ba!” The noise was completely nonsense but it did get an awww from Katara, “Da, da, da!” She gurgled and let out a few more baby noises. Katara just held her former girlfriend close, kissing her forehead and softly humming in the hopes to keep Azula calm until Zuko returned.



“Why is she screaming?” Zuko asked. Since his hands were full of stuff, he couldn’t cover his ears and heard Azula’s screams at their full force. The baby was sitting on the carpet, tears running down her face as she screamed. There was nothing Katara could do to calm her down so she was just rubbing her back to provide whatever comfort she could.

“She’s hungry.” Katara winced, “Please tell me you got formula.”

“I got it right here.”

Katara got to work as fast as humanly possible to make a bottle. After what seemed like an hour, the bottle was ready. Katara took Azula onto her lap and offered the bottle to the six month old. The second Azula got some milk she calmed down, greedily drinking from the bottle.

“That’s better.” Katara whispered, “She was starving. Poor thing.”

“I highly doubt she was starving.”

“Her stomach is like the size of a tomato or something. She gets hungry a lot more now.”

“A tomato?” Zuko asked.

“I don’t know.” Katara shook her head.

“So…what are we going to do?” Zuko asked, sitting down on the carpet, “I got her everything she could need, so, at least for now, Azula will be a well taken care of baby.”

Katara nodded her head a tad. That was one thing taken care of, “I really don’t know. For now, taking care of her is all we can do. She needs us.” Her hands were no longer shaking, but Katara felt as though her nerves were still going strong as Azula looked up at her. Her girlfriend was literally a baby. She had no way to provide for herself. At this age she couldn’t feed herself, talk, indicate her needs, walk, she couldn’t even crawl yet.

Azula threw the bottle down on the ground with a laugh, “She’s pretty cute.” Zuko chuckled, taking her in his arms, “But she does need better clothes than a large shirt.” He noted, referring to the t-shirt Katara had stuck Azula in for the morning.

Katara let herself chuckle, “Did you get her clothes?”

“Of course. You get her dressed and I’ll text the others and tell them to come over.”

“Good idea.” Katara nodded. Now that she had time to think and collect herself, she was starting to realize that it would probably be best to have more people here. They could help.

Katara collected Azula onto her lap when Zuko got up to go call people, “I don’t know how this happened or how long it’ll last, but I promise I won’t leave you alone. I’ll be here the whole time.” Katara gently kissed Azula’s forehead, “I really hope you turn back soon though.” Azula continued to stare up at her with big golden eyes.

“Gah!” She cried, smiling.

“You want to see what clothes Zuko got you?” Azula smiled again, waving her arms, “Let’s go see.” Even in this weird and kind of frightening situation, Katara was going to make the most of it. Maybe when Azula returned to normal she would remember this and be more willing to trust her.

“Maybe something good can come from this, right?” Katara asked.

Katara pulled out everything Azula would need to be properly dressed then, once she was sure everything was secure, let her have free reign of the toys Zuko bought for her. Azula’s eyes landed on a stuffed turtle that she held onto with all her might.

“Got a favorite toy?” Katara asked. The baby looked up from her stuffed plushie, which she was currently chewing on, and gave Katara a toothless grin. Katara just smiled and hugged her.


An hour or so later, all of their friends had shown up at the apartment. Even if the apartment could hardly contain all of them, when Zuko sent a picture of Azula and said it was urgent they rushed over. All of them were desperate to see if it was true.

On the floor was a six month old baby, wearing a long red dress and a diaper underneath, and playing with blocks in front of her.

“Is that…?”

Azula looked up from her blocks at all the faces now staring at her. They were all crowded around her so it seemed like everywhere she looked there was a face. The baby didn’t seem to know exactly what to do so she just started crying. It was too much all at once.

“It is.” Katara confirmed, picking up the infant girl and rubbing her back and giving her a pacifier to calm her down, “This is Azula.”

Chapter 4: Hope


Katara continues to take care of Azula


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

By that night, Aang and Toph had left. Since the apartment was not made for eight people and a baby, the group decided it was best that some of them leave. By dinner time, only Sokka, Zuko, Katara, and Mai remained. Suki and Ty Lee had to leave for cheerleading practice but promised to return the next day along with Aang and Toph.

“Sokka, stop staring at her.” Katara lightly scolded.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…I can’t believe that’s Azula.”

“You and me both. I’m still not sure this isn’t all a dream.” Azula offered a little coo, looking up at Katara and babbling. She clapped her hands together and offered Katara a toothless smile.

“She seems really happy with you.” Mai noted.

“Yeah, she is.” Katara let out a small breath, rubbing Azula’s back.

“And she doesn’t remember anything?” Sokka asked.

“Not that I can tell. She certainly doesn’t act like she’s mentally 21. I have no idea about if she’ll remember this when…or if she turns back. I don’t know if I’m wishing for her to remember or not, but I certainly will.”

“Especially with all the pictures.” Sokka added.

“You took pictures?” Katara asked.

“Of course I did. This doesn’t happen every day. I have pictures of her having lunch, playing with the toys and of her sleeping with that stuffed turtle.”

Sokka opened up his phone to show off the pictures.

“She’s going to kill you for that.” Mai warned.

“Yes, but at least I will die happy.” Sokka said, “Besides, right now she loves me, isn’t that right?”
Sokka asked, leaning over and booping Azula’s nose. The six month old giggled at Sokka’s antics as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

“Oh!” Zuko suddenly got up from the table and went to the bags of baby supplies he had gotten, “I almost forgot.” From the bag, he pulled out a pink, puffy dress, fit for a baby Azula’s age.

“Zuko, no.” Katara whispered.

“Zuko, yes!” Mai and Sokka had the biggest smiles Katara had ever seen on their faces.

“Come on, Katara. Chances like this don’t come around all the time!” Zuko told her.

“Forget it! I’m not letting you put Azula in that!” Katara argued.

“Please.” Sokka begged, “You know she would dress any of us up if this happened to us.”

That was true. Azula would probably be the loudest voice advocating for putting Zuko in a dress if he woke up as a baby, “Still, no.” Katara stood up and took Azula away, “I have to protect my girl-Azula’s dignity while she’s like this.”

“How is putting her in a dress hurting her dignity? Look, think of it like this. There’s a chance Azula will wake up tomorrow completely normal and not remember any of this and, if she does, then we have wasted the opportunity of a lifetime. A chance like this will never come again.” Zuko was very clearly just saying whatever he could think of to get Katara to agree, but, much to his shock, it was working.

Katara looked at the pink dress then back at Azula, “….There is a chance she might not remember this and it could all be over tomorrow.” Katara admitted. If that was true then what was the harm in a little fun? Plus, Katara really wanted to see what Azula looked like in a pink dress, “Fine.”

“Yes!” Katara took the dress and began to put it on the baby. Azula didn’t put up any fight as Katara dressed her up, all she had to do was make funny faces and tickle her a little and Azula smiled the whole time. When she brought her out, Zuko burst out laughing, Mai had the smallest of smiles and Sokka was already snapping pictures.

“See? This is hilarious!” Zuko laughed, “I can’t wait to send these to Suki.”

“Already did.” Sokka told him.

“Guys, please don’t let those pictures get out. Not only would Azula break up with me on the spot if she learned I let this happen, but no one can know she’s a baby.”

Sokka seemed to sense Katara’s desperation and urgency. He lowered his phone and nodded, “We promise. No one will find out about Azula.”


Azula let out a yawn, resting her head against Katara, “She’s tired. I think I should put her to bed. Did you buy something for her to sleep in?”

“Something like that.” Zuko said, pulling out a onesie with Disney Princesses on it.

“Really?” Katara asked.

“It was a baby store! It was this or Bob the Builder.”

“Fine. I assume you all want to see her in her onesie in the crib?” Katara asked.

“Very much so. Yes.”

“Sokka?” Katara asked, noticing he hadn’t answered.

“Oh, sorry. I was just looking for the best picture of Azula in the dress so I can put it on a coffee mug.”

Sokka told her, “I plan to use it every time she tries to lecture me in our foreign policy class.”

“Azula’s gonna kill me when she’s back to normal.” Katara winced.


Because of the whole situation, Zuko, Sokka and Mai agreed to stay the night. In the morning, Suki, Ty Lee, Toph and Aang would come to relieve them so they could enjoy some time to themselves. Katara, even though the group offered to take care of Azula for the day, refused to leave.

“I’m not abandoning Azula.” Had been her answer.
This was how Mai came to find Katara at the table in the kitchen. Zuko and Sokka had taken Katara’s room and Mai had taken Azula’s. Azula, who was currently sound asleep in her crib, was right next to the couch where Katara had set herself up for the night.

“Katara?” Mai asked, “It’s one in the morning. Why are you awake?”

Katara just held up her book. It was an infant care guide, “Azula’s not back to normal.” She gestured to the baby, still sound asleep in her crib and not looking any older, “I need to know as much as I can to take care of her.”

“Katara, you need to sleep. You won’t be any help to her if you’re tired.”

“But this is my chance.” Katara argued, “Azula has problems trusting people, trusting me. If I can show her that, even when she’s in such a vulnerable state, I’m around and taking care of her then maybe she’ll trust me more when she’s back to normal.”

“What are you talking about? Azula does trust you.” Mai argued, taking a seat.

“Yeah. With her favorite color and topping on a pizza, not the important stuff. I don’t know anything about her relationship with her parents or her life in high school or why she had a falling out with you and Ty Lee.” Mai winced at that.

“Look, Katara, she does trust you. It’s just hard for her to talk about her family and us. Ozai is-was a-“ Mai cast a look to Azula, “horrible, horrible man. I’ve seen Azula around you, she’s more comfortable with you than she is with her own mom.”

“I can gather the Ozai thing, but I don’t think you’re right about her being more comfortable around me than she is her mom.”

“What has she told you about her relationship with Ursa?”

“It’s iffy. She and her don’t really talk unless it’s important and they don’t get along. That’s it.” Katara told her.

“That’s one way to put it.”

“See? This is what I’m talking about. I want to know more but Azula refuses to tell me. Helping her out now might be the way-“ Katara was cut off by the sound of crying. Her and Mai turned towards the crib where Azula continued to scream as loud as her lungs would let her.

“Let me get her.” Mai said, walking over and picking her infant friend up, “You keep studying.” Despite what people accused her of, Mai did care about other people. She knew Katara was exhausted, stressed and really scared. It wasn’t much but hopefully the small act would show her that did had people in her corner.

“Thank you.”


At some point in the night, Katara did end up falling asleep. As it turned out, book pages were actually a comfortable pillow when you were tired enough to fall asleep anywhere. When Katara woke up, she turned her head towards Azula’s crib to find it empty.

“Azula!” Katara called, “Zuko! Sokka! Mai!” She yelled, “Hello?! Guys, this isn’t funny!” Frantic, Katara reached for her phone to call her brother which is when she saw the time. 1:19 in the afternoon. Not only that she noticed a text from Suki.

Suki: Hey. You were asleep when we came and Mai said we should leave you. We took Azula out for some fresh air at that playground on Sato Street and should be back around 2 or so.

It only took Katara ten minutes to get to the park as it wasn’t far from the school. The purpose of it was so professor’s had a place for their children to go if they needed to bring them in. It had a giant play structure for older kids, swings, and a sandbox off to the side. When Katara arrived, she found Ty Lee and Azula at the swings.

“You’re awake!” Ty Lee cried.

“Yeah. Sorry I slept so long.”

“No worries. Mai said you needed some sleep. We just came around eleven and took over.” Ty Lee told her, “Oh! Sokka wanted me to tell you that they took more pictures.” The cheerleader took out her phone and showed Katara. There were pictures of Azula in the same pink dress, with a shirt that said ‘feed me peasants’, her completely dressed up in a red winter coat, and a few pictures of her having breakfast and lunch.

“Where did Zuko get the money for all this?” Katara whispered.

“I don’t know but all of these are adorable! I mean, Azula will kill all of us when she’s normal again but still.” Hearing her name, Azula began to laugh, reaching out for Katara.

When Katara made no move to hold her, Azula began to whine and her lip quivered, “Nnnneh! Nnnneh!” Katara, realizing Azula was seconds away from all out sobbing, reached out and collected her in her arms.

Once Azula’s head was lying against Katara’s chest, her whines began to die down, “I’m here.” Katara’s attention turned to Ty Lee when the cheerleaders took a picture of the two on her phone, “Really?”

“I’m sorry, but this is so cute! And it’ll go nicely with the collection of pictures we already have on the group chat.” Katara, using one hand to hold Azula and the other to grab her phone, was greeted with a group chat that was filled with pictures of baby Azula, “What? She’s cute. We can’t help that.” Ty Lee said.

“You are cute, aren’t you?” Katara asked, bouncing Azula in the air a little. She laughed in response to the attention, waving her arms around, “Come on. Let’s get you back to the house.”


The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, save for when Aang tried to feed Azula and she threw peas in his face.

“I probably should have warned you: Azula hates peas.” Katara winced. Even at 21, Azula couldn’t stand the vegetable.

“Would have been useful information to have.” Aang said as he cleaned the peas off his face.

“I love this kid.” Toph grinned, “We should look into getting Azula turned into a baby more often.”

“No. No, we should not do that.” Katara snapped, her voice coming out more angry than she intended.
Toph rolled her eyes, “Relax, Sugar Queen, I was just kidding. Besides, I’m pretty sure this is a one and done kind of deal.”

“Yeah and, last week, I was sure my girlfriend would never wake up as an infant! Maybe we should be careful about the things we say.” Her voice was enough to make everyone quiet down, even Azula seemed to sense that something was wrong.

“Katara.” Suki whispered, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “We all want Azula to return to normal. Toph was only joking.”

Katara let out a sigh, “I’m sorry. I’m just…I’m really scared. What if she never turns back? What if when she does turn back she doesn’t remember me? Or wants nothing to do with me? Or-“

“Hey. Hey.” Suki hugged Katara, gently bringing a hand up and down her back, “It’s gonna be okay.” She promised, “You’ll see. Everything will be okay.”
“I really hope you’re right.”

A few hours later, Azula was fast asleep and Katara put her down for the night. Once again, she and Azula remained in the living room while everyone else spent the night in one of the bedrooms. Katara, similar to the previous night, stayed up late reading but decided to stop early so that she wouldn’t sleep till 1 pm again.

“Goodnight, Azula.” Katara whispered, taking her place on the couch.



Katara’s voice woke up everyone. Given that it was a tiny apartment, it made sense that her voice would carry as much as it did. Everyone came running out of their rooms towards the living room, to see what Katara was yelling about.

“Katara! Is everything okay? Is Azula hurt? Why did….you…scream?”

Katara was still sitting on the couch but she was looking down at the carpet where Azula was currently standing up, drawing on a piece of paper at the table.

“She…” Suki shook her head, “She’s older.”

“I think by a year or so.” Katara guessed. Those classes in children development in psychology were really coming in handy now. Katara had worked with a lot of kids before this. Most of the two year olds looked bigger than Azula and she was about 6 months old before so her now being one, or one and a half, made sense.

“Ara!” Azula held up her picture to Katara, “Ook!”

“Thank you.” Katara smiled, “I love it!” She took the picture and set it down next to her, “Azula, can you go grab a toy from one of the bags to play with?”


“So, she’s gaining a year every two days?” Toph asked.

“It seems so. It’ll take some time but she should be back to normal soon.” Aang said, suddenly noticing Katara’s downward expression, “Katara? Are you okay? This is good news!”

“I know. I know.” Katara gave him a weak smile, “I-I’m just really relieved. These past two days have been so stressful and it’s nice to get some hope.”

“Ara?” Azula seemed to notice Katara’s expression and jumped on her lap, “No cry!” She pointed one of her fingers at her as if to show her how serious she was.

“I’m not crying, baby. I’m really happy.” Katara picked Azula up, along with the small puzzle she’d gotten and brought her to the table.

“Aang, can you…?” Katara asked, gesturing to the table as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“No problem.”

“How does she know you?” Suki whispered, coming to stand next to Katara.

“I told her I was watching her while her parents were away and that was enough. She’s not even two yet. I doubt she really has a strong concept of stranger danger.”

“That’s true.” Suki admitted, “What should we do now?”

“How does breakfast from Kyoshi’s sound?” Katara asked.

“Perfect.” Suki agreed, “Ty Lee and I will get it. You guys stay here and take care of the kidified version of Azula.”

“Kidified?” Katara asked.

“What? It seemed like the right word to use.”

“Sokka’s been getting to you.” Katara sighed.

“Ara!” Azula called.

“I think that’s your cue.” Katara walked back over to the table, taking a seat next to Azula. For the first time in two days, she finally had hope. Hope that this wasn’t permanent and she’d get Azula back soon.


Azula is basically slowly aging back up to 21, gaining a year every two days. I imaging the chapters might focus on one age or two depending on the ideas I have 😅

Chapter 5: Terrible Twos


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Suki, Toph, Aang and Ty Lee eventually had to leave to go home with their families for the holidays. Since Katara was taking care of Azula, she had to text Sokka and tell him she wasn’t coming to the house for the holidays.

Sokka: Dad will be crushed.

Katara: You say that like we talk during the holidays anyway.

Sokka: Katara, you know dad loves you.

Katara: Has a funny way of showing it.

Sokka: He does and he’s going to miss you. This is the first time you haven’t been home for the holidays.

Katara: This is the first time my girlfriend turned into a baby.

Sokka: Fair. Alright. I’ll tell dad, but you might get a call or text from him.

Katara: Thanks for the warning. I’ll keep an eye out.

Hitting send, Katara turned her attention back into the bedroom where Azula sat on the bed, playing with her toys. Everyone was gone by now so it was just the two of them. Azula was also set to turn two in the next few hours.

“Ara?” Azula asked, “Ired.” She whispered.

“You ready for bed?” Katara asked.

Azula nodded, holding up her arms, “Up. Up.” She commanded.

“I got you.” Katara brought Azula over to her crib, placed a thin blanket over her and offered her her turtle which she gladly accepted and clutched tightly, “Goodnight, Azula.” Even with all the bedrooms clear, Katara took her spot on the couch, responding to texts and enjoying what little free time she would probably have for now before falling asleep.


Katara’s heart heated a little faster in the morning when she was greeted by the sight of a two year old Azula. She was getting older. This would be over soon!

“Who are you?” The two year old asked.

“My name is Katara. I’m looking after you for a few days while your parents are out of town.” She lied.

“Okay! Where’s Zuzu?” She asked.

“Oh…Zuko is with your uncle.” Katara began to silently pray that that would work. If it didn’t, she had nothing except a two year old who would start screaming and crying for her brother.

“Without me?” Azula’s lip began to tremble and her voice made it clear she was about to start crying if Katara didn’t do something.

“No! They-they just went somewhere really boring. They knew you’d have more fun here with me. Zuko’s just going to some boring tea shop with your uncle.”


“Yeah, so why don’t we get some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast while Zuko has to eat sad oatmeal with your uncle?”

“YEAH!” Azula began jumping up and down, “Pan’akes! Pan’akes!”

Maybe it wasn’t the smartest move to tell Azula she was getting a sugary breakfast because it made dressing her impossible.

“Here you go.” After finally getting clothes on her, Katara would have to thank Zuko for having enough foresight to get clothes for her up until she was two, she brought the two year old into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

“How is it?” Katara asked.

Azula, with chocolate and syrup smeared all over her face, grinned, “Good!”

“I’m glad you like it. How does it compare with your mom’s food?” Katara asked while taking a wet napkin to her face.

“Mommy doesn’t cook.” Azula told her, stuffing her face with another bite.

“She doesn’t?” Katara asked.

“No. I always get cereal.” Azula told her, “It’s not good but daddy says that’s all I get.”

“Why?” Katara asked.

“I’ll get big and ugly.” Azula’s happy attitude made Katara’s eyes grow wide and the two year old hitting her stomach didn’t help, “Daddy says that’s bad.”

“Azula, you’re two. You’re not going to get big and ugly. You’re a very beautiful little girl.” Azula beamed happily under Katara’s words.

“That’s what mommy says!” Azula cried, “Then…she and daddy start yelling.”

Not wanting Azula to be upset, Katara decided to ask another question, “She’s right. So, you and Zuko only get cereal?” Azula nodded.

“Sometimes meat. Zuzu’s favorite is chicken but I like cow!” She chirped up upon mentioning her brother, “And so does Lo!”


“Nice lady who cleans.” Right, right, Azula had maids growing up. Katara always did forget just how rich their family was from time to time. Azula had actually just gotten her a necklace with a diamond for her birthday. When Katara told her that it was too much, Azula only shrugged and said her father had more than enough money to burn.

A few minutes later, Katara turned back to Azula to find the entire plate empty. Not a bad appetite for a two year old, “More?” Azula asked.

“I think that’s enough for now. You still have lunch and dinner to eat.” Katara reminded, “I’ll start cleaning up and you go play. I’ll join you soon.”


Katara was in the process of cleaning off the grill she had used to make the pancakes when she heard a loud crash.

“Azula!” Katara called, “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”

The living room was covered in toys. It looked like Azula had grabbed the bags then threw toys to the side until she found one she likes. Not only that but one of the toys hit the trash and knocked it over.

“Azula!” Katara called again.

Azula suddenly went running past her, laughing her head off, and straight to the door. In a swift move, before Katara could even process what was happening, she opened the door and ran out.

“Azula!” Katara screamed.

The toddler continued running all the way down the hall then pushed the door open, running up the stairs and laughing no matter how much Katara yelled for her. Azula really didn’t have any clue as to where she was going. She just wanted to keep running. When she found her way back to the room, she walked inside and over to the refrigerator. The freezer was the only thing she could open and, from that, she found two pints of ice cream with her name on it.

“Spirits, I have to call everyone and maybe the police and…” Katara trailed off from her fearful rant when she noticed a pool of ice cream on the floor. Walking over to it, she found the empty pints on the ground with Azula happily laughing, now covered head to toe in ice cream.

“Ice cream!” Azula yelled.

“At least you aren’t outside.” Getting ice cream all over her, including in her hair, certainly wasn’t how Katara wanted to start the day, “Let’s get you cleaned off.” Katara brought the toddler into the bathroom and started running the bath.

“Bath! Bath!” Azula jumped up and down, her body shaking in excitement.

“Yeah. You need one after getting ice cream all over your body.” She even managed to get it under her shirt. Katara didn’t even know how that was possible. Thankfully, Azula was so absorbed with one of her toys that Katara had put into the water that she didn’t do anything while Katara cleaned her off.

“Aaaaaand done!” Katara cried, “You’re all clean!” Katara booped Azula’s nose, making the girl giggle.

“Yeah! Can we play now?” Azula asked, trying to run out of the bathroom only to be held back by Katara.

“I have to clean the kitchen, but why don’t you get out some toys in your room and I’ll join you later.” Azula wiggled the entire time Katara tried to dress her but eventually she was all set and ran off to her room, leaving Katara to make her way back into the kitchen and clean up the now melted ice cream off the floor.

A lot of paper towels and some water later and the floor looked perfect again. Katara let out a small sigh as she got back up again. How was it not even noon yet? Thank the spirits Azula would only be two years old for a few days. Katara didn’t know what she’d do if she had to deal with stuff like this for more than that.

Suddenly, she heard Azula’s voice coming from her room, “Jumpy! Jumpy!” Katara made her way towards the source of Azula’s voice to find her jumping on the bed, “Jumpy!” She yelled again when she saw Katara.

“I can see that. How about we stop with the jumping?”

“No!” Azula threw her turtle at Katara and kept jumping up and down on the bed.

“Azula, I’m not kidding. You’ll hurt yourself. It’s time to come down. We can still do something fun, but I don’t want you jumping on the bed.”

“Mommy and daddy let me jump.” She pouted. She wasn’t jumping as enthusiastically as before but she was still jumping.

Honestly Katara wasn’t sure if this attitude was just being a toddler or how Azula was as a person, “I’m not your mom or dad. I have different rules than they do. It’s time to come down now.” Katara moved as quickly as she could and grabbed Azula in her arms. The two year old let out an ear piercing scream then bit down on her arm.

Katara bit her own tongue to keep from cursing, “Azula!” Katara screamed, “No! We don’t bite people!” She just continued screaming, “You know what? You are not leaving this room until you take the time and think about what you did! And if I hear you jumping on the bed, there will be no sugar for a week!” It was an empty threat but Azula didn’t know that. The two year old continued to fight to get out of Katara’s arms, so she sat her down on the bed then slammed the door closed.

Katara spent the next hour picking up the kitchen from breakfast, cleaning up the trash Azula had kicked everywhere and changing out her stuff for toddler items.

“I’m gonna need another vacation when this is all over.” Katara mumbled.

“Katara!” Azula yelled.

“I told you to stay in that room! You’re not allowed to come out yet!” Katara snapped.

“My tummy hurts!” Katara’s eyes widened instantly. Without a word, she turned towards the door and found Azula, on the bed, in a fetal position with her arms wrapped around her stomach.

“Zula.” Katara whispered, “What’s wrong?”

“It hurts.” Azula said, “I don’t feel well.” She whined.

“Don’t feel-shi-sugar sticks!” Azula was never gonna let her hear the end of it if she remembered that she said sugar sticks but it was better than cursing in front of a toddler. Katara grabbed Azula and rushed her to the bathroom where she instantly threw up in the toilet.

“Probably a bad idea to give you so much food.” Katara winced, “Are you okay?” She threw up again but stopped after that.

Azula leaned back in Katara’s arms, “Sorry.” She whispered.

“You don’t have to apologize for getting sick. Do you feel better?” Azula nodded, “Good. I think you were in timeout long enough. How about we watch some tv for a bit?”


Once Katara got the tv on, and Azula on the couch with a blanket and pillow, she turned towards the girl, “What show?”

“…SpongeBob?” Azula whispered.

“SpongeBob.” Now that was something she’d have to talk to Azula about when she was normal again. Katara never knew Azula liked that show. Putting on an episode proved to be enough to keep Azula’s attention which allowed Katara to rest for a moment.

“Katara?” Azula’s voice was soft but audible.


“I’m sorry…for biting you.” Katara knew she should probably be strict but when the girl had half her face covered by a blanket and was looking up at her with big eyes she just couldn’t stay angry.

“It’s okay. Thank you for apologizing. Do you feel up for lunch at all?” Azula shook her head, “I’m still going to bring you some soup and a grilled cheese, okay? Just eat it if you get hungry.”


Thank whatever force turned her girlfriend into a baby for naps. It had been two hours and Azula was still asleep on the couch, her turtle plushie close to her chest. This morning had been a circus but, at least now, she could sit back and rel-

Suddenly, her phone went off and a picture of her dad covered her screen. Apparently a moment to relax was asking too much. Katara slipped off into the bedroom so she didn’t wake Azula and took his call.


“Sokka tells me you aren’t coming home at all this break.” Katara honestly couldn’t tell if her dad was upset, tired or confused.

“Yeah. I’m not. Azula’s not feeling well so I’m staying here to take care of her.”

“Azula has servants. She can pay one of them to take care of her. You should be home with your family.” Hakoda insisted, “I’ll come over to get you and-“

“Dad, no. I’m staying here with Azula. I’ll visit a couple days before school starts but Azula needs me more.”

“Katara, your family needs you here. Is this about Kya?” Katara felt her heart clench. How dare he bring her up so soon after her death anniversary?

“Not everything is about mom.” She growled, “Don't bring her up. She wouldn’t care that I was spending time with Azula over break. Or, maybe you care so much because I’m spending time with my girlfriend and not a boyfriend.” It was a low blow but Katara was angry. It never ended well though when she turned the conversation to her being bisexual or having a girlfriend. More often than not it ended in screaming matches. She was working on keeping her voice down at the moment for Azula though.

“That is not fair. You know I don’t care about Azula being a girl. I care because I want you here for the holidays. Katara, it’s time to grow up and come home. You and Azula can spend the school year together but for these weeks you need to be with your family.”

“Grow up? So, staying here and taking care of my sick girlfriend is what? Childish? I think you’re the one who needs to grow up. I’m 21 and can make my own choices. I’m not coming and I suggest you accept that or you’re in for a long few weeks of waiting for me when I won’t come home! Goodbye!”

Katara fell back on her bed after the call, rubbing her eyes and letting out a long breath. She should probably text Sokka about making sure their dad didn’t drive over here. He probably wouldn’t be able to or wouldn’t keep Azula’s secret if he knew about her. Hakoda has never been overly fond of Azula. A fact that had driven a wedge between Katara and her father but if he was the reason Azula got taken away from her while she was cursed, Katara was cutting contact. No doubt there.

Suddenly, Katara felt the covers start to move. Sitting up, she was greeted by the sight of Azula climbing onto the bed. The two year old then walked over to Katara and plopped herself down on Katara’s stomach.

“Hello?” Katara chuckled.

“Let’s play!” Azula demanded.

“Alright. We can play. Come on, let’s go get your toys.” Azula was out the door before Katara, running back into the living room and pulling out her toys for the new game.


That night, Katara set Azula down in her bed, which was just the crib but with the bars removed. There didn’t seem to be much of a reason to buy another bed when Azula could just start using the big bed in a few days. She brought over an extra blanket, tucking Azula in and snapping a quick picture of her snuggled up in a dragon onesie. She whispered a final goodnight to her then laid down on the couch. She was out the second her head hit the pillow.


Hakoda and Katara's relationship here is a bit more...iffy. That'll be talked about more later down the line but right now Katara and Hakoda mostly have the same relationship they did in the Awakening

Chapter 6: In the Dark of the Night


Azula makes a friend and reveals a fear to Katara

Chapter Text

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”

“Azula!” Katara did her best to keep her voice level, “For the millionth time, we’re almost at the store. Please stop asking.” The three year old didn’t lose her smile. She was still bouncing in her car seat as Katara pulled into the store’s parking lot.

Zuko certainly did get a lot of stuff, but he got it for when Azula was a baby. Only a few items of clothing had fit her when she was two and, now that she was three, nothing fit her. Not to mention none of the toys interested her that much either. Katara had brought along a couple of the more expensive items with the hope of getting a refund to give some money back to Zuko. Azula was just excited to be going somewhere where they sold toys.

Azula pressed her face to the window, looking at the large store in front of them, “Ohhhhh. Toys! Toys!” Katara stopped her by placing a hand on the car seat.

“If you’re good we’ll get toys, but we need real stuff while we’re here too, okay?” Azula didn’t like Katara’s words but nodded nonetheless, “Good. Remember the rules? No running, no climbing and stay near me at all times.”

“Yes, Katara.” In her previous ages, Azula lacked the ability to say Katara’s full name. This was the first age where Azula could actually say Katara’s full name, albeit she still sounded like a toddler but it was a step in the right direction.

Katara got out of the car then helped Azula out of her seat, picking her up as the two walked into the store. The store itself sold a variety of items but most of them were geared towards kids under ten. In the building, Katara saw mothers and fathers were babies and little kids shopping for whatever they needed.

They even had a small section, cordoned off with a white plastic fence, where kids were playing while the parents shopped.

“You want to play with the other kids?” Katara asked. Azula instantly buried her head in Katara’s neck, “It’s okay. You don’t have to play. Do you want to stay with me?” Azula nodded.

“Katara?” Katara looked at Azula, “Can I ride in the cart?” The three year old looked almost embarrassed to ask the question. As if she was asking for some insane favor.

“Of course!” When they grabbed a cart, Katara set Azula up in the front seat, “Let’s get some shopping done.” Katara pushed the cart into the store, looking for the first item: clothes. At the moment, Azula was wearing a shirt that was a little too small for her, it worked but it wasn’t great, and the only stretchy pants they had. She was dressed but they needed clothes in case she ruined these and because she was growing so much so fast.

Azula seemed to be pretty entertained by watching her feet sail against the ground whenever Katara moved the cart. At least for the first ten minutes they were there, then she started getting antsy.

“You want out?” Katara asked.

Azula nodded, “Can I get a toy?” She asked.

Katara looked at their items and the shopping list. They were pretty much done by this point. They only really needed food but they couldn’t get that here.

“Alright. Go ahead.” Azula ran off towards the toy aisle and began examining her options. Katara expected her to pick some kind of action figure or, maybe, plastic animals. She did not expect her to come back with markers, colored pencils and crayons. When did Azula stop drawing?

“Can I have this?” She asked.

“Of course.” Katara took the items and placed them in their cart. Once they were loaded up, she started walking towards the cashier with Azula right behind her.

Unfortunately, Katara got too ahead of Azula and the three year old began to fall behind. Even more so when another kid banged into her.

“Oh! I’m sorry! Are you okay?” The girl, maybe two or three years older than Azula, asked.

Azula nodded, “I’m okay.”

“Good! My name's Korra! What’s your name?” She asked.


“Nice to meet you! You wanna play?” Korra asked.

Azula looked at the hyper girl as she smiled brightly at her, almost bouncing with excitement that she might get to play with someone.

“Okay!” Azula grinned. She had been missing playing games with Zuko, so playing around the store with Korra was extra fun.

The girls made their way to a kids section of the store, entering through the small plastic fence to play. Inside the kids section were some games, toys, a fake house and kitchen and a small TV with a rug and chairs. There were a couple adults in the section but they were either there as staff, in charge of watching the kids, or parents of really little kids. Korra dragged Azula to the toys and handed her a toy dinosaur while she grabbed a toy dog.

“Rawr!! I’m the great and powerful Naga!” Korra cried, raising her toy dog in the air.

“And I am Druk, a powe..powe-”

“Powerful.” Korra whispered.

“Powerful dragon!” Azula finished as if she had no issues.

“You’re not a dragon, Druk, you’re a dinosaur.”

“I am a dragon. I just have no wings.” Azula moved the toy around, making it float in the air then hit the ground once or twice.

“Oh, no. What happened to your wings?”

“I lost them…to pirates!” Korra gasped.

“Pirates!? Let’s go find them and get your wings back!” Korra said.


The girls were cut off by a voice yelling Azula’s name, “Azula! Azula!”

“Tara!” Azula called, waving at her from the kid’s section.

“Azula. You shouldn’t wander off like that.” Katara said, picking the three year old up.

“Awww, but what about finding Druk’s wings?” Korra asked.

“I’m sorry?” Katara asked.

“Druk.” Azula explained, showing her the toy dinosaur, “He lost his wings and Korra and I have to find them.” Katara looked between Korra and Azula, smiling a little.

“Alright. Go find Druk’s wings, but we have to leave at some point.” Katara told her.

“Yeah! Thanks, Tara! Thanks, Miss. Tara!” Azula and Korra instantly returned to their game while Katara took a seat watching over them and taking the time to relax a little. Eventually, Korra’s parents had to come and get her but by then Azula was also playing with another girl. Katara knew she should have grabbed Azula and left when Korra did, but she really couldn’t help it. This was way too cute to stop. Plus, Katara didn’t know the next time Azula would get to play with kids since there weren’t many around with winter break going on and them living in college housing.

At some point, Azula made her way to Katara, looking worn out, “Ready to go home?” Katara asked.

Azula nodded, holding up her arms to be picked up so she didn’t have to walk anymore. Once Katara had everything in the car, she turned back to face Azula, who still looked seconds away from falling asleep.

“How about we skip the grocery store and order some dinner for tonight?” Katara suggested.

“Chin’s! Chin’s! Chin’s!” Azula began chanting. Well that certainly woke her up.

“Alright. Alright. We’ll get Chin’s for dinner tonight.” Katara agreed.


The rest of the night, thankfully, went pretty smoothly. Katara got the food and the two happily ate at the table. After dinner, Katara instructed Azula to go play while she set up her room.

“When will I go home?” Azula asked.

“Soon.” Katara promised, “Your parents will be here to pick you up in a few days.” Well…more accurately she’d turn into a four year old and forget that she ever asked, “But I’m setting up a room all for you.”

The room was the spare room that she and Azula didn’t really use, unless they were in a huge fight, but at least now it had some use. Now that Azula was three she needed a real bed and not a crib anymore. Katara started moving her things into the room while Azula went to draw.

“This here and here and…perfect!” Standing back, Katara admired her work. The bed was covered in stuffed animals, the dresser had clothes in it for her up until she turned ten and the dresser was wide open for her, “I feel pride in making up a bedroom for my girlfriend who’s three.” Katara mumbled, realizing, once more, how insane this whole situation was.

“Azula! Come see your room!” Katara called.

No response.


No response.

“Where is she?” Katara left the bedroom and made her way back towards the main room. She could hear Azula’s light humming, a trait, according to Zuko, she lost when she was a teenager, and followed it to see the three year old had opened the markers and was drawing.

“AZULA!” Katara screamed.

The three year old looked over her shoulder and instantly beamed at Katara, “Look! I drew!”

“I-…I can see that.”

She drew on the floor and wall. There were bright colors all over their white walls and on the floor. Azula had drawn, what Katara assumed was, herself, her parents and Zuko and also made an attempt at drawing Katara. If it wasn’t done on their walls and floors Katara would actually find this incredibly cute.

Azula was gonna hate herself when she was 21 again but that was a problem for later. Right now, Azula was three and proud of her drawing. There was no way Katara could scream at her for this.

“Do you like it?”

“Of course I do.” Katara said with a strained voice, “It’s beautiful, but could you use paper next time?” Katara asked.

“Oh.” Azula seemed to realize her mistake and instantly deflated, “Sorry.”

“Just don’t draw on the walls again.” Katara told her. She took Azula’s hand and led her into the bathroom so she could help the toddler brush her teeth and take a bath.

“Hey.” Katara laughed when the girl threw water on her face. She decided to retaliate by cupping water in her hands and dropping it on Azula, getting giggles out of the girl, “How’s the bath?”

“Great! Mom never lets me spray her with water.” Azula told her, “Lo and Li don’t either.”

“I’m sorry. Well, you get to play around now all you want. Have-“ Katara didn’t even get to finish before Azula found a bottle of hair conditioner and slammed it against the water surface, causing a good amount of water to hit Katara.

“Hahahahaha.” Maybe Ursa, Lo and Li had a point in never letting Azula hit them with water. Katara finished up the bath and wrapped Azula up in a towel, bringing her into the bedroom, “I love it! I love it! I love it!” Azula almost tripped on her towel but continued to happily run around the room.

“Hey.” Katara caught the three year old as she ran around the room, exploring every inch of the place, “It’s bedtime not running time.”

“Running time!” Azula yelled, but Katara held her.

“Bedtime.” Katara poked Azula’s stomach, making the girl laugh. She grabbed pajamas from the cabinets, dressed Azula up and placed her in bed. For the first time, she was actually thankful for their college’s tiny beds because, while it was a little big for a three year old, it was better than any alternative option, “Okay. Goodnight, Azula. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night!” Azula chirped.

Katara turned the lights off and closed the door, heading out to see if she could do anything for their walls and floor. Sadly, no matter how much she scrubbed nothing worked.

Around 10 pm, Katara gave up on cleaning their living room and decided to return to her room. She could always ask one of her friends if they had any tips for cleaning markers. Laying on her bed, Katara slowly began to fall asleep until she heard crying.

“What the?” The twenty one year old got out of bed and followed the noise into Azula’s room, where the crying was, of course, the loudest. Azula seemed awake with her tiny fists clenching the bed and her pillow covered in tears.

“Azula? Sweetie? Hey, it’s okay.” Katara whispered, her hands going around the toddler and picking her up.

Azula continued to sob, holding onto Katara like a lifeline, “Shhhh. Shhhh. It’s okay. You’re safe.” No matter how much Katara repeated that, Azula continued to sob, “Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Instead, she continued to scream and cry.

“Azula? Can you open your eyes?” Katara asked, moving her chin so that she was looking up at her. Azula forced her face away and buried it in Katara’s neck, “Shhh. Shhh.”

“D-Dark.” Azula finally managed to get out.

“The dark? You don’t like the dark?” Azula nodded, “Ohhh.” She didn’t buy a nightlight or anything. Maybe she could just keep the lights on in her room? Yeah. That could work, “Azula-“ The girl continued to clutch Katara when she thought the woman was leaving her alone in the dark room. When Katara turned the light on, Azula relaxed a little bit.

“See? No more dark.” Katara smiled.

Azula didn’t respond. She just rested her head on Katara’s shoulder.

Katara returned Azula to her bed, “Okay. I’ll leave the lights on tonight then tomorrow we can-“ The three year old launched herself forward, grabbing hold of Katara again.

“No! I need Dragon!” She cried.

“Dragon?” Katara asked.

“Dragon.” Azula confirmed.

“What is that?”

“My stuffed animal.” Azula admitted, “She protects me.”

“Azula, you have stuffed animals. A lot of them. Can you use one of them for tonight?”

“No! It has to be Dragon!” The three year old yelled, “Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!” The toddler screamed.

“Hey. We do not yell.” Azula whined, shaking a little when she realized that she might be left alone in her room without Dragon. Katara let out a sigh, “I might have one solution.”


“This is going to sound weird but do you have Azula’s stuffed animal? Dragon?” She asked.

“Dragon?” Ursa asked, “I do, but why do you need it?” The oldest woman tried to push down a yawn which was difficult since Katara had called the house at 11 pm. Even more, she was calling about Azula’s old stuffed animal.

“I just do. Could you bring it over?” Katara asked, “Please. I need it.”

“Ummm okay?” Ursa was clearly very confused but at least she agreed, “Could Zuko bring it over?” She asked.

“Yes!” Katara nodded, “I mean, yes. That would be great. Thank you so much, Ursa.” Apparently, saying Ursa’s name wasn’t the best idea because Azula heard it and jumped on Katara’s lap.

“Mom! Mama!” She yelled.

“Azula, no.” Katara gently placed her back on the bed and moved away.

“Was that Azula? She sounds weird.” Ursa said.

“Oh. We’re just having some fun and hanging out. Azula inhaled some helium and her voice is high. I’ll see Zuko soon!” As quickly as she could, Katara hung up, “Azula-“

“Mom’s bringing Dragon!” She cheered.

“Someone is. Can you please try to sleep until Dragon gets here?”

Azula looked around her room nervously. She played with her fingers while sitting on her knees.

“Can you stay with me?” Her voice was small, not more than a whisper, but Katara definitely heard it.

“Okay. I’ll stay.”


The sound of knocking got both Katara and Azula’s attention. Azula was starting to drift off, still clenching Katara’s shirt, when they heard the noise. The three year old ran out of the room and to the door, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Mom! Mom!” Her excitement deflated when she opened the door and saw Zuko. In fact, she was so taken aback that she ran behind Katara’s legs. She didn’t know who this strange teenager was and she certainly didn’t want to be near him without Katara there to protect her.

“It’s okay, Zula.” Zuko said, “It’s me. It’s Zuko.”

“No! You’re not Zuzu!” Azula yelled. Her brother was only two years older than her. True, he was a little taller but not this much taller.

Katara noticed the momentary sadness in Zuko’s eyes but it disappeared when the older boy showed her Dragon. It was pretty obvious that he now had a plan to prove to the three year old he was her brother.

“Come on, Lala. Look, I have Dragon. She even still has the little bite marks in her ears where you chew when you’re upset and her tail is missing from when that neighbor ripped it off.” Azula, slowly, walked a little closer, “I’m Zuko.” He said again.

Azula looked at Dragon then back at Zuko, “Zuzu?” She whispered.

“It’s me, Lala.” If Zuko knowing facts about Dragon didn’t make Azula believe she was looking at her brother, him saying her old nickname twice sure did.

“ZUZU!” Azula ran from Katara’s legs and jumped at her brother, “Where’s mom? Where’s dad?” She asked.

“Home. You’ll see them very soon, I promise. Right now, you need to be good for Katara.” Azula took Dragon from her brother.

“Stay.” She demanded, looking as in charge as she could be for someone who only came up to Zuko’s knees and was wearing a onesie with kittens on it.

“How about Zuko puts you to bed tonight?” Katara suggested, “You’ll see him, your mom and dad very soon and then you can stay with them as long as you want.”

“Yeah! Yeah! Please, Zuzu!”

“Sure.” Zuko took Azula back into her room, laying her on the bed and putting the blanket over her, “Get some rest, Lala, okay? You’ll be home soon.” He promised.

“Story!” Azula demanded.

Katara, who was leaning against the door chuckled, “You want a story?” Zuko asked, getting a nod, “Ummm…once upon a time there was a little girl who was missing her toy. She found it and then went to sleep.”

“That’s not a story.” Azula giggled, “Story!”

“I got one.” Katara said, coming to sit on the other side of the bed and pushing Azula’s hair back, “Once upon a time there was a young boy who possessed great power, but he didn’t know what to do with this power. Until he met two very nice people who agreed to show him how he could use his power to help people. Many people were happy and cheerful to be helped by this young boy. However, there were still those who viewed the young boy as a threat to their wicked plans. They sent evil people to take the young boy and his friends down, but none of their plans worked. Finally, the young boy faced off against the most wicked man of them all. The two fought long and hard, until the young boy won and used his power to undo everything the wicked man had done and help the people he had hurt.” Azula was asleep by the end of the story, so Katara and Zuko took it as their sign to leave.

“I still can’t believe that’s her.” Zuko whispered.

“You and me both. I gotta say when I pictured my winter break I did not imagine that it would include telling my girlfriend a bedtime story or calling her brother because she needed her stuffed animal.” Katara said.

“Katara, are you okay?” Zuko asked. It didn’t take a genius to see how Katara was slightly shaking and how her tone was off.

“I don’t know.” She admitted, “I really don’t know. I just…” Katara let out a shaky breath, “I know it’s stupid and ridiculous but I-I want Azula back. My Azula. I want to text her funny jokes, curl up on the couch together, watch her try and decorate cookies, kiss her under mistletoe. I want MY Azula back.” Katara sat down on the couch, her head in her hands.

“It’s not stupid or ridiculous to miss Azula. She’s your girlfriend. Of course you miss her when she’s right in front of you but at the same time far away.” Zuko said, “She’ll come back though. That’s what you have to remember. She’ll age back to 21 so soon.”

“I know. You’re right. I can’t wait for her to be back.”

“Me neither. I got so many pictures and videos to show her.” Zuko said, holding up his phone, “Like this video of her clapping while Elmo is playing or this picture of her grabbing Sokka’s face or my newest picture of her holding Dragon while drooling.”

“She will destroy your phone I hope you know.” Katara said.

“Yeah, but I'll get a new one.”


"I know. No one outside of the friend group sees the pictures. I'm not going to just go posting these pictures online."


“Alright. I gotta get going.” Zuko said, “Text if you need anything.”

“I will and thank you, Zuko.”



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  1. Hefestoon Chapter 5Sat 08Jun 202407:26PM UTC

    Gente que fofinho meio triste mas fofinho

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    1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 5Mon 10Jun 202412:37AM UTC

      Acho que esse é o tema geral desta fic😂. Triste mas também fofo

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  2. KyaSimpon Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202412:18AM UTC

    Ahhhhh korra!!!!

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    1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202407:34PM UTC

      She's so cute!!

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  3. InfinityStorieson Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202412:59AM UTC

    This whole story is so good! This chapter is so cute as well!

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    1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202407:35PM UTC

      Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you thought it was cute!

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      1. InfinityStorieson Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202407:39PM UTC

        Your very welcome! I can't wait for Katara to have to take care of angsty teen Azula! I'm sure some of her antics especially smoking would piss off Katara as well as bring her sorrow. I wonder why Azula had a falling out with Mai and Ty Lee? Could the fault actually be on Mai and Ty Lee instead of Azula or a combination of all three.

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        1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202407:48PM UTC

          Katara with angsty teen Azula is gonna be both hilarious and heartbreaking to write. Azula was not exactly the "in bed by 9, no drinking, no parties" kind of teenager. Don't worry her falling out with Mai and Ty Lee will be touched on especially when she gets to her later teen years (like 17 or so)

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          1. InfinityStorieson Chapter 6Fri 14Jun 202412:19AM UTC

            Yeah, I thought Azula would be a handful as a teenager. She gives me two vibes in Modern AU.

            1) The bad girl closeted lesbian who doesn't give a damn about how anyone thinks. (Outward)

            2) A traumatized child who struggles with mental illness and substance abuse who uses her outward exterior as a cry for help. However, Azula wouldn't willingly accept help on her own terms and would have to be either forced into therapy or begrudgingly go to therapy via an intervention. Basically, Azula can go to therapy the easy or hard way and wouldn't have much of a choice.

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            1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Fri 14Jun 202401:38AM UTC

              Yeah, Azula as a teenager is pretty much a combo of that. She hates her home life, isn't free to be herself around Ozai (who's hardly around anyways), and, as we already know, is smoking and goes out partying basically for any amount of real enjoyment she can get out of life. Teenage Azula needs a lot of help and, of course, that can't all rest on Katara but she can offer a helping hand

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              1. InfinityStorieson Chapter 6Fri 14Jun 202412:03PM UTC

                Poor Azula... She needs a hug and proper therapy for both Modern and Canon Divergent AUs.

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                1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Fri 14Jun 202402:07PM UTC

                  She really does

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  4. JaneTheSilenton Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202408:48AM UTC

    Sooo sweet!! 😊

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    1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202407:35PM UTC


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  5. Zer0101on Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202409:40PM UTC

    Is katara going to let Azula go back with her toxic family? 👀😅

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    1. Comicgeek20on Chapter 6Thu 13Jun 202411:57PM UTC

      Over her dead body

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